
Scan Requests
2 Comments in 2 Discussions
Shanes Scans by Shane May 17, 2017 14:31:15 GMT

Where you can request scans.

Mentor-Student Requests
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Where you can request a mentor or a student.

Ritual Requests
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Where you can request a ritual to be made for you.

Sigil Requests
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Where you can request Sigils to be made.

Services has 4 comments in 4 discussions & 1 viewing

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Forum Rules by lena01, Sept 18, 2017 6:16:41 GMT

  1 comments & viewed 82 times
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Posting Services by Shane, Apr 13, 2017 14:34:25 GMT

  0 comments & viewed 46 times
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Construct Blueprint Designs/Construct Creation by Shane, Apr 13, 2017 14:35:31 GMT

  0 comments & viewed 47 times


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